addChild from Class / Method

OKay, what the crap am I doing wrong here:

package swiftclips 
    import flash.display.*;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	import flash.text.TextFormat;
	trace ("Loaded Status class");

    public class Status extends Sprite {
		// Set how many status updates we've made
		public var level:int = -1;
		public var X:int = 15;
		public var Y:int = 5;
		public var Width:int = 300;
		public var Height:int = 30;
		public var loading_image:MovieClip = new Loading;

        public function Request( request:String,tmp_color:String ) {
			// Set what level the output will be written to is added to the last one
			// Create a textbox with the request value in it
			var status_box:TextField = new TextField();  
				status_box.width = Width;
				status_box.height = Height;
			// Lets format this up
			var status_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
				status_format.font = "Verdana";
			// Move out box to the appropriate location			
				status_box.x = X;
				status_box.y = (level * (Height/2) ) + Y;
				status_box.text = " dfsdfdsfd " + request;
				// Move out loading image
				loading_image.visible = true;
				loading_image.x = status_box.width + status_box.x;
				loading_image.y = status_box.y;
				addChildAt(loading_image, 0);
				// Color the box
				status_format.color = "0xFF000";
			// Apply the format
			// Add this to the stage
			this.addChild( status_box );
			// Write out a debug message 
			trace("Updated Status: " + request + " @ " + status_box.x + "x" + status_box.y + "px Level " + getChildIndex(status_box));
		// function	

// package

And on the main stage I call 'er like this:

// We wanna show what's going on
var Show:Status = new Status;
	Show.Request( "Loading Credentials","0x0066CC" );

Everything traces out properly but nothing is added to the stage?

This is all pretty new to me. Plaaass Haallp.
