addChild from separate as file

Hi There,

I’m trying to build an attachmovie class so I can add a child movieclip from the library and define the x and y coords using only one line of as in the fla

Here is my fla code:

var newMovie:AttachClip = new AttachClip(“movie_mc”, 10, 10);

And here is my as code:

package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
// create class
public class AttachClip extends MovieClip {
// define vars
var movieName:MovieClip;
var movieX:Number;
var movieY:Number;

    function AttachClip(movieVal:String, movieX:Number, movieY:Number) {
        var movieDefinition = getDefinitionByName(movieVal);
        movieName = new movieDefinition;
        movieName.x = movieX;
        movieName.y = movieY;


The trouble is that it is not adding the child to the stage, now I have a feeling that I need to tell flash where to add the child to but I cant figure out how to reference the stage from the as file, any thoughts?

