Added preloader.....which works, but then buttons in the swf don't work


Sorry, I have looked all throughout this site, and done multiple searches over the last few days, but still haven’t figured this preloader out. From other posts I’m getting the impression that the tutorials for flash mx don’t work for mx04.

I’ve done a good half dozen tut’s on other preloaders aswell, which work…but all of them make my buttons ( that call in other external swf’s) not function. Everything works beaut, without the preloader, so I imagine there is some conflict in paths.

The buttons in the main swf have

on (release) {

I’ve tried swapping parent to root and to this. I’ve tried calling in levels, but it still ends up the same.

I appologize for another preloader thread, but I have been learning everything from the tutorials and forums at kirupa, and would be grateful for your help.
