addEventListener... won't

This is probably the simplest code in the world to get to work and I am at a frustrating loss as to why it is not. Here is my code:

var productLength = products_XML.*.length();
//        trace (productLength);
        var p:Number = 0;
        for (p=1; p<productLength; p++) {

            var productNavi:navigation = new navigation();
                products_page.addChild (productNavi);
                productNavi.x = -360;
                productNavi.y = -150 + 65 * (p-1);
            //Populate Info
            var productsTitle="";
            var productsInfo ="";

            productsTitle = products_XML.*[p].title;
            productsInfo = products_XML.*[p].description;
            productNavi.navi_txt.htmlText = productsTitle;
            if (productNavi.navi_txt.numLines <= 1) {
                productNavi.navi_background.height = 25;
                productNavi.navi_txt.x += 5;
                productNavi.y += 11.5;
            productNavi.info_txt = productsInfo;
            productNavi.heading_txt = productsTitle;
            productNavi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, populateProducts);

All of my variables are right, everything renders right, except that the buttons DO NOT HAVE EVENT LISTENERS. What is even more frustrating is I have almost exactly the same code earlier in my file and it works fine! Any and all help would be AMAZING.
Thank you.