Is there any tutorial explains about adding sound to a movieClip not to a button from library sound.fla on MX?\Flash MX Sound Object Tutorial by Kenny Bellew.htm
Thank you indojepang but the link is broken. Can you post the correct address?
Here you go. =)
Thanks both of you.
I successfully added sound to my movieclip. But there’s some delay til the sound comes up. I define sound object at the root and use the object on MC object using attachSound() and start() method as explained in the tutorial above. Do you have any idea why it’s delayed?
check if the sound is having blank wave in front, if yes… wipe it with your favourite tools…
or… are u using the new player from macromedia?
cause i’ve had the same delayed sound from the new player…
change it to your previous player…
I updated the player a couple days ago so it should be new. Where could I get the old one?
*Originally posted by KazchiX *
**I updated the player a couple days ago so it should be new. Where could I get the old one? **
this has nothing to do w/ any of this, but i had to say. I love your avatar KazchiX, very pleasing and nice to look at:+)
i’m not sure …but could try at macromedia…
or copy from your flash cd…
here’s the instruction from macromedia for replacing it…