Adding a html linked .jpg to a scrollable box?

Greetings everyone!

The title pretty much says it all… I’m reading the flash mx 2004 foundation book from friends of ed and in this book i stumbled upon an example where they made flash show a .jpg inside a txt field using html tags. I’d like to build that together with a scollable text… like one of the many scrollable text tutorials here on kirupa. Only problem is (big surprise here) that I can’t make it work… But then again - I have no idea if one could actually just couple the two examples together - at least you can’t do it the way I did :slight_smile:

Basically in the foundation book they just wrote like this:
<img src=’/yourDirectoryName/yourFileName.jpg’>

I got that working with a textfield without scrolling on my 1st hideous test at: under “study”

When I put it in one of the scrollable text tutorials here at Kirupa it just displays the entire line with <img> tags, paths and everything like it was part of the normal text…

Any good advice?

btw: the picture is just part of a grab from my desktop… a wallpaper from 2advanced - not my work and just there for a quick test just so people don’t think I stealing and/or using other peoples work! Thanks…