Adding an onPress handler to a movieclip part of a class


I’m having a problem with my following situation: I made a class “Scrollbar” which I can use to create a scrollbar for a certain movieclip.

This movieclip extended class (Scrollbar) has 3 movieclips (see code below):
1 - which has the complete scrollbar[INDENT]1.1 - which has the background for the scrollbar
1.2 - which has the slider for the scrollbar
[/INDENT]Now, I’m trying to make an onPress handler inside my class, I tried to override the onPress() handler of the MovieClip class but it doesn’t work for my situation I think.

I’ll post my complete class here, any comments (also those that doesn’t have to do with my problem) are welcome since I started programming OO in ActionScript a few days ago.

class Scrollbar extends MovieClip{
    private var contentArea_mc:MovieClip;    
    private var scrollbar_mc:MovieClip;
    private var scrollbarBackground_mc:MovieClip;
    private var scrollbarSlider_mc:MovieClip;
    * Constructor
    public function Scrollbar(numScrollbars:Number){
        * Make the scrollbar movieclip
        scrollbar_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("scrollbar_" + numScrollbars, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
        * Add a background
        scrollbarBackground_mc = scrollbar_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("scrollbarBackground", scrollbar_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
        with (scrollbarBackground_mc) {
           //lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 100);
           moveTo(-10, 0);
           lineTo(-10, 100);
           lineTo(10, 100);
           lineTo(10, 0);
           lineTo(-10, 0);
        * Add the slider
        scrollbarSlider_mc = scrollbar_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("scrollbarSlider", scrollbar_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
        with (scrollbarSlider_mc) {
           //lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 100);
           moveTo(-10, 0);
           lineTo(-10, 100);
           lineTo(10, 100);
           lineTo(10, 0);
           lineTo(-10, 0);
        trace("Vertical scrollbar created");
    * Set the content area to scroll
    public function setContentArea(content_mc:MovieClip){
        this.contentArea_mc = content_mc;
        trace("Scrollbar content area set to: " + this.contentArea_mc);
    * Update the scaling of the scrollbar
    public function updateScaling(){
        var numScale:Number = contentArea_mc._height / Stage.height;
        // Hide or display the scrollbar
        if(numScale > 1){
            scrollbar_mc._visible = true;
        } else {
            scrollbar_mc._visible = false;
        // Position the scrollbar relatively by using the current position of the content area
        if(contentArea_mc._y <= 0){
            var numScrollbarOffset:Number = Math.abs(contentArea_mc._y) / numScale;
            scrollbarSlider_mc._y = numScrollbarOffset;
        } else {
            trace("! Error: The content area its Y position is larger than 0 (there is an offset from top border) !");
        // Set the height
        scrollbarSlider_mc._height = Stage.height / numScale;
    * Update the positioning of the scrollbar
    public function updatePosition(){
        scrollbar_mc._x = Stage.width - scrollbar_mc._width/2;
        scrollbar_mc._y = 0;
        scrollbarBackground_mc._height = Stage.height;