Adding checkbox and radio buttons to form

Hello all:

I am working with the attached form mailer (php), and would love to know how to add checkboxes, list boxes and radio buttons and such that will work with this form mailer.

Please review, and I would appreciate any feedback.


I work with a component from - the "ezForm"
You can do almost everything with this component and flashloaded has a great support - explaining and solving any of your problems. Maybe you just have to have a look at their support site.
This component works very well!

An example, where I used it:

under “taf” and of course the contact form.


definatly check out make sure you look at their component tutorial or check out the on on

Where on Ultrashock are you finding this? I searched and searched …

Please help …

I want a form mailer that allows for the use of checkboxes and radio buttons, but is still through Flash.

Tutorials >> Flash MX2004 >> Components

All you have to do is push the value to the php page just like you were a textbox. That tutorial will teach you how.

Flash MX 2004 UI Components? Is that the tutorial? (in Flash MX 2004 tutorials) … I am fairly new to forms in Flash … more used to doing them in HTML.