Adding colour to this "test" movie clip i previous created?


I was wondering how do i add colour to a movie clip i previously created, or do i have to make it all over again?? I have attached a screenshot on the Movie clip that i drew with the circle and line tool as a test previously, i simply want to add a single colour to it but can not find the right tools in flash 8…

Can anybody tell me which tool will i need to use or do i need to create the entire picture and its animations again?? I thought i could just add the colour to each keyframe but the “fill” tool does not fill when i try it.

I can add colour to the circle on top, i just need to be able to add colour to the body, which is three lines, i was hoping the fill tool would work just as it does in many graphics manipulation applications…

Cheers for any help, in a rush to get this done and getting stuck on a little thing like this is so annoying!
