Adding HTML to $_POST elements in email

I have read through a lot of threads and have found a great deal of information but still having trouble. I want to have a confirmation email sent to people come up in HTML format. I have no problem making regular text come up with HTML attributes but am having no luck with information being retrieved from the Form.

I want the following to have html charteristics:
$message .="First Name: " .$_POST[‘firstname’]

You guys have never let me down. Thanks in Advance.

I’m not sure i’m clear here, what is it you need to be formatted in HTML?

Whate exactly are you referring to as “html characteristics”?

Just a stab at it, try defining another variable first.

$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];

$message = "First Name: " . $firstname;

a user will fill out a form putting in thier name and other general info.
a confirmation email is sent to them with the info they submitted.
I can get the general text to come up with html, ie. color size changes, however the fields that are retrieved from the form are only coming up a plain text. I have used a few examples from the forum and other sites as a guide but had no luck.

original confirmation code

function mailuser() {
$message ="This email confirms your registration."."
$message .=""."
$message .="First Name: " .$_POST['firstname'] ."
$message .="Last Name: " .$_POST['lastname']."
$message .="Email Address: " .$_POST['email']."
$message .=""."
$message .="If there are any errors, please go back to the registration site and re-submit your information."."
$headers = "From:". "Registrar";
$headers .= "<>" ."
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

new confirmation email, not complete

function mailuser() {
$message = <<<EOF
	<body bgcolor="#FFFF99" align="center">
        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000099">
	This email confirms your registration.<br>
$message .="Last Name: " .$_POST['lastname']."
$message .="Email Address: " .$_POST['email']."
$message .=""."
$message .="If there are any errors, please go back to the registration site and re-submit your information."."
$headers = "From:". "Registrar";
$headers .= "<>" ."
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

I would like a way that i could make those POST elements to be in a format other then plain text, either in color or a different font style but when i try to add html code either the POST items would disappear or just not take on HTML styles

You have to designate the mime type of the e-mail as html

even if i use the following i still have a problem
"MIME-Version: 1.0
" .
“Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1”);

have ytou tried simplifying it an just making the entire e-mail and header a string?

Just a guess here, but you have your HTML in the $message variable, which when you originally set it has the opening and closing HTML tags. You then append to the end of that string all the information you want from $_POST. Try putting that infomation inside the start and end HTML tag:

function mailuser() {
$message = <<<EOF
    <body bgcolor="#FFFF99" align="center">
        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000099">
    This email confirms your registration.<br>

$message .="Last Name: " .$_POST['lastname']."
$message .="Email Address: " .$_POST['email']."
$message .=""."
$message .="If there are any errors, please go back to the registration site and re-submit your information."."

$message .= "

$headers = "From:". "Registrar";
$headers .= "<>" ."
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

BTW - I didn’t check the code, you may need to change the "
" to <br> if the "
" is inside the HTML code.

when i do that it wont retrieve the variables form the form. I thought someone might of know how to do it with a command like print

print("<div align=\"center\" class=\"style12\">First Name</div>");

have ytou tried simplifying it an just making the entire e-mail and header a string?

I agree, sometimes that makes it work. Not sure why.

As Ankou already posted in here – your hangin your message at the end of that html block.

Did you try something like this?

function mailuser($lastName,$to) { 
$myEmail = "";
$myName = "myWebpageName";
$subject= "Acknowledgement"; 
$author = "Last Name: " .$lastName; 
$authorEmail ="Email Address: " .$to; 
$myMessage ="If there are any errors, please go back to the registration site and re-submit your information."; 
$headers = "From: ".$myName."<".$myEmail.">
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html
$message = <<<EOF
<body bgcolor="#FFFF99">
<p align="center">
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000099">
<i>This email confirms your registration.</i><br>
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); 

I hadn’t noticed the mail() function was inside a function, probably best practice to actually pass the data to your function like Voccart has shown.

Depending on a number of factors you may be able to call $_POST[] inside a function and get the value stored in the variable. Depends on the set up of your server and registered globals/superglobals (one or both, I forget at the moment :shifty:).