Adding penalty feature to timer

Hey all,

I’ve got a serious of games built and I’ve run into a problem with the scoring system.

The game contains a timer which displays on screen and counts up displaying hours, minutes and seconds.

When the hint button is pressed the game adds 1 to the penalty counter.


What I want to happen is for 20 seconds to be added the time shown at the end of the game for every time the hint button is pressed.

Below is the timer code:

function TimerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void{
	var Seconds:String = String(uint(MyTimer.currentCount%60));
	var Minutes:String = String(uint((MyTimer.currentCount/60)%60))
	var Hours:String = String(uint((MyTimer.currentCount/60)/60));
	SecondText.text = (uint(Seconds)< 10) ? "0" + Seconds:Seconds;
	MinuteText.text = (uint(Minutes)< 10) ? "0" + Minutes:Minutes;
	HourText.text = (uint(Hours) < 10) ? "0" + Hours:Hours;