Adding reflectionsto random object

I found the random movement code somewhere, and tried making it work with an object and its reflection. Object moves fine, but since its reflection has the be mirrored in the y axis, it acts funny… it makes the reflection keep rising and rising very slowly untill it goes behind the object.

the problem is because of the “-” on a line marked with *

see the movie at
it might not be obvious at first, but reflection VERY SLOWLY moves up and up untill it goes behind the bottle


onClipEvent (load) {
width = 5
height = 5
accelFactor = Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) + 2;
newX = Math.round(Math.random()*width);
newY = Math.round(Math.random()*height);

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
currentlocx = this._x;
currentlocy = this._y;
differencex = newX-currentlocx;
differencey = newY-currentlocy;
accelx = differencex/accelFactor;
accely = differencey/accelFactor;
this._x = this._x+accelx;
this._y = this._y+accely;
_parent.reflect._x = _parent.reflect._x+accelx;

  • _parent.reflect._y = _parent.reflect._y-accely; _parent.shade._x = _parent.shade._x+accelx;
    if (Math.round(this._y) == Math.round(newY) && Math.round(this._x) == Math.round(newX)) {
    newX = Math.round(Math.random()*width);
    newY = Math.round(Math.random()*height);
    accelFactor = Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) + 2;

How do I get around the problem ?