Adding stylesheet to TextArea

Pretty simple question here:
How can I add a stylesheet to a TextArea?

I’ve tried it with two scenarios. One where I had drawn the TextArea right on the stage and another when I added the TextArea using AS.

Using this code:

var chatarea:TextArea = new TextArea();
chatarea.x = 156.3;
chatarea.y = 12.4;
chatarea.width = 725.9;
chatarea.height = 316.0;
var style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
style.setStyle("html", {fontFamily:"Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif", fontSize:"12px", color:"#0000FF"});
style.setStyle("body", {color:"#00CCFF", textDecoration:"underline"});
chatarea.styleSheet = style;

I get the following error:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property styleSheet through a reference with static type fl.controls:TextArea.ea 

Can anyone shed some light on what’s wrong here and how I can add a simple stylesheet to a TextArea?
Thanks in advance.