Anyone knows how to use bitmap materials, how to create the image files and to make sure that the material fits the 3D form correctly?
Here is an example of what I mean…
what’s the object that you want to give the texture??
The object is a simple 3D object imported from flash, but anyway I have the same problem even If I try to apply a bitmap based material to a cube or sphere, it just doesn’t fit the 3D object size at all…If anyone had this problem before and knows the answer…
actually what I wanted is the t3d file to see if I can apply the texture correctly.
but yes … it’s hard to get the texture as you wish even in simple shapes.
Here is the swift file in zip format, actually I’m quite surprised because in the erain site they don’t tell much about applying bitmap textures…there is an example with a cd bitmap texture, but I don’t know how to make the texture fit corretly…
I got to go now.
you should use this texture … I think you’ll get better results with it.
anyway … I’ll keep trying later and please post your progress so I can see what to change.
Noooo, it is swift 3d version 3, can you make it in 2, or is there a possibility to save it so my version ‘2’ can also open it =)
Didiusthegreat yes I did it with swift v3. I think that v2 didn’t work with bitmap textures.
I’ve seen the texture you put here and worked with mine on photoshop to make something similar. Now the texture is in the centre but I have problems with the size. Here is the new t3d file.
I don’t know if it is possible to make the texture fit 100% right on the object but thnx anyway Kax…greetings from spain
sorry I couldn’t help you out :*(
anyway … there’s no difference between your file and mine so …
remember this:
swift + textures = pain in the @ss