I need to read two image locations from a file and join it together.
For this i used the following code.
Part A:
//this reads from the file images.txt and puts in an array “images”
//the size of the array “images” is 2
m = new LoadVars();
m.onLoad = function(ok) {
if (ok) {
images = this.Images.split("|");
m.load(‘images.txt’, this);
var count = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(‘preloader’, 10);
function BuildMovie() {
setproperty ("_root.preloader.holder", _x, 20);
setproperty ("_root.preloader.holder", _y, 20);
setproperty ("_root.preloader.holder_1", _x, 20+ _root.preloader.holder._width);
setproperty ("_root.preloader.holder_1", _y, 20);
With this code I can load two images but I can’t adjust the position of the second image with respect to first i.e: iam unable to capture the width of the first image.
Help needed!!