Adobe Certified Expert (Flash CS3)

As topic suggests I’ma do it just for the sake of it.

I know the questions aren’t extremely actionscript oriented, but there’s very little ‘free’ material that can prepare you for the types of questions.

Anyone feel like helping out with some info? Good resources that don’t cost moolah? :slight_smile:

Thanks guys.


I can’t even find info on that program. In fact, this thread is now #2 on Google for “Adobe Certified Expert Flash CS3”! :stare:

“Have you used or considered using Singleton design patterns in the last week? Note: If you answer yes, you will give up your right to cake at the end of this test.”


The cake is a lie anyway! :violin:

[whisper]Besides, Singletons are super useful, nothing wrong with 'em.[/whisper]

^ Shame it’s a total hack fest in AS3 to get anywhere close to a real singleton. (Private constructors FTW)

Have a look here - i created a simple as3 skills test and it is free. There will also be a Flash CS3 one up in the next day or so.

Have a go and let me know what you think


Thanks Asil. I took one test and 5 of your questions has wrong answers :stuck_out_tongue:

Might wanna check in to that :wink:

I don’t know for certain, but my understanding is that the test is more about the Authoring tool than coding. They’ll likely be some code-related questions, but I doubt Singletons will be among the topics. You might want to look more into things like that file format Flash stores swatch color sets. Happen to know what that is?

thanx for letting me know :slight_smile: i will check it out - which test did you take and do you remember approx a wrong question?


Sent a PM. Don’t get me wrong, the overall test is nice, just that there were few incorrect answers that threw me off a bit.

Senocular, no idea :stuck_out_tongue: my mind says .act but I have no idea what it stands for or what format it is haha.

[QUOTE=senocular;2356928]I don’t know for certain, but my understanding is that the test is more about the Authoring tool than coding. They’ll likely be some code-related questions, but I doubt Singletons will be among the topics. You might want to look more into things like that file format Flash stores swatch color sets. Happen to know what that is?[/QUOTE]

By default, it’s .clr! :proud:

.act is also an acceptable answer :beam:

I hadn’t noticed before, but after trying to pull up more information on the ACE exams, it looks like the only Flash-related certification you can get is an ACP for Flash MX 2004 (as either designer or developer).

Is this just outdated information, or is that what you’re specifically targeting? I was disappointed when I didn’t see a generic Adobe Flash category or a CS3-specific certification. :confused:

EDIT: Okay, so yea, that page is just outdated. Best of luck on the exam, sekasi!

I just did my ACE (Flash CS3) certification one thing for sure if you are core AS3 developer than it wont do any good cuz its more general and Authoring tool based.

BUt you do get AS3 related question as well. Find the attached file which gives a detail of the type of question and topic area.