Advance keyframe with scripted timer

Hi all:

My Objective:

Create a scripted movie with seven keyframes and seven thumbnails below main image, each thumbnail being a jumpto button.

I’ve set the file up with each frame displaying a different image, but with all images in thumbnail size as buttons below the displayed image.

I would like to have it move to the next keyframe after a 10 second time lapse and take the viewer to the next frame, which would display the new image.


I coded the slide show with this actionscript on each keyframe…

pause = function () {
pausei = setInterval(pause, 10000);

However, when I click on one of the thumbnails to skip the 10 second wait and move directly to the specified frame it doesn’t reset the 10 second count, which results in the timer getting all out of whack.

This is the actionscript on each of my thumbnails at the bottom of the slide show…

on (release) {gotoAndStop(3);



Can somebody please help me by either helping me code the thumbnail buttons to reset the timer when entering the new keyframe or by editing my actionscript and have it advance a different way? I have tried everything… AS2 and AS3… At the point of pulling my hair out. Ideally, I’d like to have the script on each new keyframe so I can set different time intervals for each keyframe.

Thanks in advance guys/gals. I truly appreciate any help I can get!