Advanced actionscripter seeks small jobs for small fees

just like the title says. check my portfolio:

unfortunately i do not know any PHP or MySQL but i do know some javascript and HTML, as my portfolio says.
i am dependable and i can do some good work for you. please contact me: [email protected]
i look forward to working with you.

I dont like your site. For good free hosting (no-ads, unlimited space, unlimited bandwith) visit

i do believe, my good sir, that is shameless website promotion

If it’s not his site then what’s the problem? He’s right btw. The OP has a horrible host. Could do with a new site too. But this is getting way offtopic.

i dont know what an OP is and yes its getting way offtopic

Original Poster.

OP == original poster


You shouldn’t be using a double equals there defective… tisk, tisk, tisk…
“==” is for comparison, not assignment :stuck_out_tongue:

=== means it is.