Advanced book for PHP

Hey all,
I am looking for a erally advanced book in PHP.
i know most of the basics, i can create Login-systems in CMS’s with php/html, i can create dynamic parts of my page with PHP.
I want a book that covers the following:

-XML parsing with PHP
-Using templates
-Dyamicilly creating PDF’s/Images (or something along those lines)
-Using cookies and such

Or… do you think most of this stuff could be found online somewhere, and i shouldn’t waste my $$ on a book? If so do you know of any good PHP tut places?

‘O’Reilly’s PHP Cookbook’ is probably the best for what you are after. It covers pretty much everything and leads by example. Basically full of ‘recipes’ to achieve things like parse XML and use the GD library.

It also covers using a couple of template systems. (PHPLIB’s is the one I like best and it covers the basics).

I think that most of the stuff can be found on the web already :slight_smile: XML parsing is easy - learn the engine (SAX/DOM) in another language first, and your knowledge automatically transfers. For templates, look into Smarty (there’s another one, but the name escapes me).

There are loads of tutorials on the other two things you want, just google around :wink:

EDIT: The O’Reilly Cookbooks are very good indeed. They’d be a good solution as well.

No no! Get “PHP Anthology Volume II: Applications” from It has all the things you said there, XML parsing (sax, dom, xss, rss), template stuff, pdf/swf/image generation, and cookies stuff. It is one awesome book! =)

yep better get ureself some eb00ks or the one from sitepoint. Dont get to hooked up on the oreilly book, it has many mistakes…
On second thoughts, you can get it online :slight_smile:

(and yes, it’s legal, and no, it’s not a preview.)

wait a sec, are you saying you can download the PHP cookbook, book for free?
The thing i downloaded where examples, not the book…