Advanced modular preloader - load swfs

hey everyone,

i want to find a neat (and hopefully manageable) way to design a modular preloader that you can attach to any swf you want to load into the main stage.

Instead of having preloaders on all the separate swfs (which is a pain in the …), i want a good preloader that is on the main stage and can be called to work when a button is pressed to load a new movie.

See what i mean? I know it can be done, and assume that you need to reference a function on the main timeline, but i can’t figure it out!

If anyone has the code, i would be really gratefull.

I reckon if we design a really good modular preloader, then i would write a tut for kirupa on the subject. I haven’t found any, anywhere!

also this preloader could be used to preload jpegs, and would make updating sites soo much neater.

any code, help, links etc. would be wicked

btw, i am using flash mx




cheers kax,

exactly what i was looking for.

How do you guys find this stuff? did lots of searches and found nothing useful



when you spend all day online … you get to know where to find what you’re looking for :wink: