Advice on approach to making game

i’m trying to make a game just like
but i’m having trouble with the actionscript. i’ve got the character to be controllable, and have managed to get a movieclip of the object falling down to be caught such as the pumpkins, except they are all the same number, apart from one random one which kindof does what i want, in that it randomises the number that appears in the object, except it remains static, wont continue to fall, and won’t select just one random number; it keeps flicking constantly from number to number.
can anyone advise as to the best way to get a variety of numbers falling from the top of the stage?
the code i am currently using is

depth = 0;
function makeNewClip() {
	ranID=setInterval(makeNewClip, ran)
	newClip = _root.attachMovie('ddrop', 'ddrop'+depth, depth++);
	newClip._x = Math.random()*Stage.width;
	newClip._y = -50;
	newClip.speed = (Math.random()*10);
	newClip.onEnterFrame = function() {
		this._y += this.speed;
		newDrop = _root.attachMovie('ddrop', 'ddrop'+_root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
		newDrop._x = 100;
		newDrop._y = -50;
	newDrop.number_txt.text = Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);
