Advice Please: How Should I Attack this Project (with visual aid)

EDIT please scroll down to see my updated problem. /EDIT

Hey guys - I would really appreciate some help on the fundamentals of how I should go about creating these various animations with AS3 (or timeline effects, if that’s easier).

I am creating a simple animated diagram that runs entirely by itself in sequence.

First sequence - small gear on left starts rotating slowly then accelerates to a fast, constant pace.
Second sequence - large gear on right starts rotating slowly then accelerates to a fast, constant pace.
Third sequence - 3 smallest gears inside large gear show up from 50% opacity to 100%.

Looking at the attached drawing, the actual gears (#1 and #3) rotate at a constant rate the whole time. The layers with the arrows, #2 and #4, are the ones that start slow then pick up speed to a constant “fast” rate.

I have created each element on its own layer. This is where I need your help - how do i get the rotation/time all correct with AS3? I’ve considered a Timer event, etc. but don’t know enough to guess and check - would love to be pushed in the right direction.