After Effects output looks different

In PS, I made an image. I then used this image in a swf, and I used the same image in AE, made an image sequence out of it, and the two images look slightly different when compared to eachother. I didn’t change the image in the first frame of video.

How can I make the images look the same?

what quality are you using? What are your settings in general?

I’m exporting it as a png (tried jpg as well) sequence at the highest quality possible.

My source image is a png also. That could be a problem, because when I look at the png image in AE and the Composition with the png in it, they look different.

yeah programs don’t handle pngs the same way; compare a png in IE and Netscape; you’ll see =)

So do you think that I should use all jpeg’s?

yup…If you are displaying them as images do not use pngs. Especially if displaying on the internet. You are using square pixels to right?

Yes I am. Do you know how to switch the png out with the jpg in AE? I assume there’s a way to simply apply everything I did to the png to the jpg.

I think Ihave to see what your footage looks like to answer that. But you could always batch optimize your exported pngs, using PS. Just convert them to jpg there, plus cut file size.


right-click on the footage in the project window (where all the imported files are listed)
select “Replace footage”


import the JPEG images as you would any other footage
select the footage item in the TIMELINE (preload_screen3.png)
then while holding ALT drag the newly imported JPEG to the timeline. (This replaces the footage int the timeline only)

there is a heap of tips like this here (my site):

Thanks ratbaggy! That seems to help the clarity issue. Now the only problem is that Flash seems to be squashing my MC. ???