I’m putting together a photogallery of my friends and family and all that but I’ve decided to theme them to an aged photograph with scratches, making em look about 100+ years old. How do I MAKE scratches because all I seem to be able to find in photoshop is to remove them. I think Abobe should have foreseen that if people want to improve photographs, they’d want to artistically destroy them too.
Whats the most realistic effects for aging/scratching/dusting photos in Photoshop CS?
sepia tone your images too, try to over/underexpose your pics, give them a washed out effect if you have access to it, flaming pear’s ‘Melancholytron’ is a great filter which gives this aspect:
Also once you’ve found a good scratch brushes library (the one i used here is Missm - Scratch), use brushes with dodge/burn, and use your ‘,’ and ‘.’ keys to go back and forth through the brushes so it doesn’t look repetitive…