Aged Photo

Hey all,

I’m putting together a photogallery of my friends and family and all that but I’ve decided to theme them to an aged photograph with scratches, making em look about 100+ years old. How do I MAKE scratches because all I seem to be able to find in photoshop is to remove them. I think Abobe should have foreseen that if people want to improve photographs, they’d want to artistically destroy them too.

Whats the most realistic effects for aging/scratching/dusting photos in Photoshop CS?

Any ideas?

That site has a aged photograph tutorial

Look for tutes on grunge…

sepia tone your images too, try to over/underexpose your pics, give them a washed out effect if you have access to it, flaming pear’s ‘Melancholytron’ is a great filter which gives this aspect:

Also once you’ve found a good scratch brushes library (the one i used here is Missm - Scratch), use brushes with dodge/burn, and use your ‘,’ and ‘.’ keys to go back and forth through the brushes so it doesn’t look repetitive…

Many thanks,

mlk thats exactly the look I’m after!! Great one. I’ll have a trawl through the web and see what I can download.

Thanks guys.

sweet im gonna have to get flaming pear;)

yup and use alien skin to get a lil wrinkle in the pic and maybe dirty up the edges with a layer style inner glow with a texture to break it up.