draw an image by clicking on the tiles in place of the ‘ahmed’ drawing
click ‘save’
by means of magic, the image will saved and then the same image will be loaded whenever you run the footer
swf size: 2 kb or so
SO size: doesn’t exceed 5 kb
have fun!
would be nice to see screenshots of your personalized versions of my footer :beam:
[size=1]entry #2:[/size]
ok… here’s my second entry… i don’t think i will implement it as my footer as it might be a bit slow on older machines and i won’t be able to have it up all the time (due to the kind of server it’s hosted on)… and it is slowing up the thread after all
basically its a FlashComm based mini-multi-user-tile-based-drawing-board thingie… whatever you draw should appear to other users as it is being drawn… I haven’t much testing (due to the fact that i need two users)… please let me know of any bugs
unlike my current footer, you can’t just drag the mouse to draw things, you have to click each box :tb:
the file sizes are smaller than the ones for my first entry (can’t get exact sizes)