[SIZE=3]i have 200 on my list and about 70 people who IM me regularly, whom i have no space for on my list. i have 89 on my MSN hotmail one too.[/SIZE]
OK vts31
Get off the forums now.
I seriuosly think you shouldget a trophie for some much **** Buddys on your list.
its rediculous if u want i can post a screenshot. right now i have 67 buddies online and 143 offline
Post the D a m n picture now
i have 131 on the buddy list and like 30 regualrly on…
my sn is uncleguito666
I have 200 as well - about 13 or so that I speak to on a regular basis, I also have about 15 or so blocked for various reasons. I wish AOL would increase the limit of the number of people that can be stored on AIM.
i have about 50… most of them are my own screenames hehe
hey kirupa here is what i often do: i use both AIM and AIM with netscape, which means i can be connected with 2 screenames and would allow me to have 400 buddies… ;- ) ! And a lot of time to waste !
*Originally posted by BullDog_Flash *
**Post the D a m n picture now **
god of p0rn?
It’s like 12:30 at night so no one is online right now, but I have 152 buddies. Screenshot below, Everyone on there is either my girlfriend, friends, girls, and far away friends is where my internet friends go, people like edwin, people i have never seen before! By the way edwin, next time i go to cali with my company for an auto show ill stop by!