How much peeps do you have on you Aim buddy list.
Hold on i ma counting.
I have 25.
Everbody post your AIM Screen Name here if you want.
Also tell me how much buddys you have
How much peeps do you have on you Aim buddy list.
Hold on i ma counting.
I have 25.
Everbody post your AIM Screen Name here if you want.
Also tell me how much buddys you have
I know who that one is
ahem ahem Kirupa:love: :love:
haha! PJ, what’s your IM SN? Mine is Typo Ninja
I got… 35 peeps!
Hey PJ how do you pronounce your last name.
what happens when you put someone on the buddy list?
i got 5… electrongeek, playamarz, Maxtr0sity, h88 and another friend of mine… :trout:
Back off ahmed i hate you.
Sorry that was my Buldog Instinct
*Originally posted by BullDog_Flash *
**Back off ahmed i hate you.
Sorry that was my Buldog Instinct **
whatever… :trout:
Dont get me going.
Hey ahmed what ur AIM
*Originally posted by Seretha Blaze *
**what happens when you put someone on the buddy list? **
The Buddy List window lets you keep track of all your buddies, family members, and others who are signed on to the AOL Instant Messenger service. When you sign on to AIM, your Buddy List window appears. Four groups are automatically created for you in your Buddy List window: Buddies, Family, Co-Workers, and Offline. Add your buddies to any of these groups (except Offline) or create additional groups.
Copyright © 1997-2002, America Online, Inc. All rights reserved.
*Originally posted by BullDog_Flash *
**Hey ahmed what ur AIM **
it’s geekyPixel
Hey ahmed you just stole.
It has copywright at the bottom for Americain Online
Die Die Die angry mob of civilans going after ahmed sounds like a game
lol :beam:
i included the copyright notice… never said it was mine :bad:
Oh so now your claiming your part of AOL
Well well well how r u today do you think you can pop in a Free AOL online thing for me;)
i can sure send you an AOL cd
You can your so kind.
hmm you still dident answer my quesition.
[SIZE=4]Whats your **** AIM Screen Name[/SIZE]
it’s posted :beam: see post#13 :beam:
I did your riddle the sad thing about is that your not on
funny… i am on…
I’ve got about 50 (i’m not gonna count during spring break). Half of those are people whom I don’t wanna talk to, and I have their name under my BLOCKED PEOPLE section. The rest are people I actually talk to once every 30 years.
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