AIR error...?

I’m using an homemade AIR-application. But (I think) since I upgraded to Flash Player 10, it stopped working.

I get this message:
[COLOR=Gray]“This application requires a version of the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) which is no longer supported. Please contact the application author for an updated version.”[/COLOR]

What shall I do?

Gee, I’d suggest downloading the Flash CS3 AIR Update again, and if that doesn’t work, installing AIR again. Flash 10’s kept separate from AIR, I think.

Are any other AIR apps giving you trouble?

It’s not the Flash Player - it’s the AIR runtime. Whatever you’re trying to run was probably made in AIR beta 1 or beta 2 (or even in Apollo, if it’s real old) and won’t run in AIR 1.0. If you’re the one who made it, you’ll probably have to change a little bit of script and recompile for v. 1.0

I think I made it in beta 2. Then I’ll look for v1.0. :slight_smile:

Didn’t work guys! :frowning:
Need help quick!

Got the same error, or didn’t compile with the latest tools? More details please.

I downloaded all the new stuff from Adobe.
Installed, and got the same error. :open_mouth: