Alignment movieclips on different resolutions

Hi i’m looking for a way to align multiple mc’s so that i can use multiple resolutions.

When the mc’s don’t fit next to each other the mc wil move to the next row.

something like:

But then opensource :slight_smile:

Hope someone can help.

	public function setSize(value:Number):void {
		var newColumns:int=Math.floor((value - this.buttonContainer.x) / this.maxButtonWidth);
		if (this.columns!=newColumns) this.columns=newColumns else return;
		var point:Point=this.buttonContainer.globalToLocal(new Point(stage.stageWidth / 2,stage.stageHeight / 2))
		for (var i:int=0;i<this.buttonContainer.numChildren;i++) {
			var child:DisplayObject=this.buttonContainer.getChildAt(i);,.75,{x:(i % columns) * this.maxButtonWidth + (this.maxButtonWidth - child.width) / 2,y:Math.floor(i / columns) * this.maxButtonHeight + (this.maxButtonHeight - child.height) / 2,autoAlpha:1,delay:i / 20,ease:Back.easeOut,bezier:[{x:point.x,y:point.y}]});

thanks! But do you have a fla example, that makes it a lot easier.


thanks! your great!