Alive PDF help

I’m getting a 1007 error: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.

Thanks for any help!

The error seems to be on the first line or on line 60:

[Embed( source="card.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream" )]
        var CardBytes:Class;
var pdf:PDF;
var page:Page;
        var body:TextField;
        var title:TextField;
        var ba:ByteArray;
        function Main(event:Event):void
            ba = new ByteArray();
            title = new TextField();
            title.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
            title.border = true;
            title.borderColor = 0xefefef;
            title.width = 400;
            title.height = 50;
            title.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat( "Times", 40, 0x666666 );
            title.x = 20;
            title.y = 340;        
            title.text = "Happy Holidays";
            addChild( title );
            body = new TextField();
            body.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
            body.border = true;
            body.borderColor = 0xefefef;
            body.width = 400;
            body.height = 100;
            body.wordWrap = true;
            body.multiline = true;
            body.x = 20;
            body.y = 400;        
            body.text = "Here's 1/1000,000,000,000,000 of a white Christmas. ";
            body.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat( "Arial", 12, 0x666666 );
            body.setTextFormat(new TextFormat( "Arial", 12, 0x666666 ));
            addChild( body );
            button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, generatePDF );

        function generatePDF(e:MouseEvent):void
            page = new Page(  Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER );
            pdf = new PDF();
            pdf.addPage( page );
            pdf.textStyle(new RGBColor(0x666666));
            pdf.setFont( FontFamily.TIMES, "", 40 );
            pdf.addText( title.text, title.x, title.y );
            pdf.setFont( FontFamily.ARIAL, "", 12 );
            pdf.setXY( body.x, 30 );
            pdf.addMultiCell( 150, 5, body.text );
            pdf.setTitle( title.text );
            pdf.addImageStream( new CardBytes() as ByteArray );
  , "", Download.INLINE);
