Almost Suicidal

Hi I’m a new poster here, have been lurking for a few weeks.

Basically I’m a complete newbie when it comes to AS3, having only used Flashes timeline about 4 years ago. I’ve used the help of a tutorial to build a game in which objects fall from the sky. I got this to work successfully, albeit with a few tiny little bugs; but I can handle that.

I’ve then started a new flash document to create a title screen and how to play screen that all link successfully, however when I try to insert my game into this timeline, the game does not start… it just sits there still. I plead with all of my being that one of you lovely people will help me with this, I feel like its something amazingly simple but I just cannot connect the dots. I’ve uploaded both AS files but my .fla is too big, I can email if needed.

I have 3 files I’m using.

Main.fla - where everything is built - where the code to run the actual game is - the code for the object falling from the sky.

I don’t know if i have provided the right information here but I will gladly post anything else on request.

