Alpha mc

i am inside a movie clip and would like to set the alpha of a mc that is inside yet a different mc


am i close to having this right, it is not working for me

if socialText is the object you want to change the alpha of, then simply do something like:

_root.buttons1MC.socialText._alpha = 0;

if socialText is a textbox, then this is where your main problem lies. you cannot apply a _alpha property to a text box. you will need to put the text box into a movieclip and then change the _alpha of the movie clip.

hope this helps :slight_smile:

yes i am trying to target the mc named “socialText”

social text is a mc inside the mc “buttons1mc”

i am trying to target “socialText” from a button inside a different mc named “buttons2mc”

maybe setting the targetpath helps , by pressing the crosshair button in your actionscript panel? that way you could vind the path the most easy way :slight_smile: , hope this helps a bit :slight_smile: