Hello All I am playing around with AS3 and what I’m trying to do is pretty simple. I have a little test FLA:
There is a button that when you scroll over it the alpha goes up to .90 and when you mouse off it it goes back down to .50 alpha.
This is all controled by Tween in AS3. The 3 problems that I’m having are:
- How to define a variable that that is a number that has a blank value
like with a string its:
var test:String = "";
But I have no idea how do do the same thing with a number var.
2) Next thing that I’m confused about it there a way to get a smooth mouse alpha tween on the button. Like as it currenlty is when you mouse over it goes from .50 to .90% alpha. See this isn’t all that bad but if you mouse over the button again real fast before the tween goes back to .50 it looks like it get lighter really fast and then gets darker. Hope I explained that well enought that it provides some insite on what I’m shooting for.
3) Finally when you click the replay button the button alpha jumps down to .50 no matter what. You have to actully mouse off and then mouse back on for it to go back up to .90 like it should be when your mouse is hovering on the button.
Thank you in advance for all the help with this one guys,