Alpha Tweening. Object flashing at end of tween

Hi guys
Been bashing my head against a brick wall for ages and have given in. :hang:
I have a problem with one of my animation that for the life of me I do not know why.

The flash I’m building has a series of maps that’s zoom in and zoom out of each other. It’s for a very high res animation and has detailed maps.

For the zooming originally I was using tween via actionscript but this caused soo many unexplainable problems I had to try something else. Things like items not animating to their correct points or being half transparent for some reason. Some times they would work and sometimes not.

So wrote my own animation class which has a frame listener and adds or minus values for zoom as it sees fit. This has never failed and is solid.

I also use alpha tween on the map for a fade in/out effect. This is what causing the issues. The zoom uses my class for calculation but a tween on the object (movieclip) for the alpha animation. When zooming out the alpha is faded to 0, then in the next frame the object used for the animation is removed from the stage.

However at the end of the zoomout animation just before it is removed from the stage the object will blink. IE have it’s alpha set to 1 then disappear. The zoom is supposed to zoom out and fade the object to nothing, however I get this blink at the end which looks quite poor. Even if I remove the code that removes the object from stage (IE just keep it on stage with the alpha set to 0) it will still blink.

Having said this it does not happen on all zoomout animations. I have used the same code for all my map zoom animations, much, if not all of the code in my system is standardized. Hence I would expect all my zoomout transition to be similar. Some will blink slightly, other are really predominate and some work perfectly.

I have tried running the alpha via tween and also tried adding functionality to my zoom class to handle alpha changes. Both still result in the blink. I have added a listener for the end of the animation that sets the object alpha values explicitly to 0. Also optimized the way in which the objects are removed. Nothing helps.

Can anyone help? Has anyone ever experienced these blinks I’m talking about? Any hacks I can try?