Hi there, is there a way i can change the standard setTextFormat() ; function?
I found out that after you change the text, the format sets back to default. I want to add a “on text change, settextformat again” bit but im completely lost on how to do this? something to do with prototypes doesnt it?
Please help
this is what i have till now:
textField.prototype.setTextStyle = function(whichStyle) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
Sadly it isnt working yet, and im afraid a onEnterFrame for every textfield will make it slow… any good ideas?
i don’t know why the textformat reset after change.
maybe you can try this:
textfield_txt.onChanged = function(){
Got it, it seems i made a typo textField instead of TextField. After that it was pretty easy. Although this isnt pretty coding, it works fine.
TextField.prototype.setTextStyle = function(whichStyle) {
texttarget = this;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
Anyway thanks for the help/ Bedankt voor de hulp… tis een kleine wereld