Is it posible to have an alternate image appear in a frame if the user does not have the proper plugin. I am using a frameset in which one frame has a flash document in it. I am getting responses from people who do not have the proper plugin. The frame is just blank. I don’t want to force them into downloading the plugin. I know you can have the behaviors check the plugin for a flash doc, but it asks for an alternate url. I would just like to have another graphic take it’s place. Is this possible?
Thanks so much for the quick reply. I will try the script out within the next few days and post the results. Hope it works with frames. Thanks again!
I tried using the script to replace the flash with an image, but it didn’t work. Can somebody tell me where this script is supposed to go. Also, do I have to put the entire path to the image or do I just put the image.jpg in place of script.gif? I am using frames so does the script go where the particular frame loads? Sorry, but I’m new to this. I am also using Dreamweaver MX if that helps.
You put the script in the place where you want your image to show.
SO if your image is supposed to be in a table cell, you put that entire script in that table cell.
And if the image is in the same directory, then just replace the file name.
Thanks LIB. The script works great. I didn’t know I had to delete the original script.
Glad you got it to work