Alternatives to traditional Online multiplayer

I’ve been running some ideas for various ways to implement multiplayer in flash. I know there are some ways to realistically do it (I’d like to hear what they are if any one would like to post some links) But I’m more interested in less traditional multiplayer methods. Most, if not all of these would probably not be live multiplayer (ie, walking around and seeing other characters walking around who are controlled by other players over the Internet)

For example:
A turn based (RPG?) game where the flash generates an encrypted code that you copy/paste and give to a friend. when he puts your code into his instance of the game, the flash decrypts it and is given information for attacks and HP, items used etc. each turn could end with this process and the game would be played through email or AIM (similar to how people used to play chess through the mail by mailing their moves back and forth, “Queen to B3! You’ve fallen into my trap!”)

Has anything like this or some other innovative multiplayer form been attempted? does any one have their own ideas?

I think you could do it with some PHP server script online

I dont think you would email a string that your freind puts into his client

although that might be a cool marketing gimick for something

lol, that’s a cool idea, but who would want to do that, when you could do it in real time?

might be cool if they added codes to magic the gathering cards or something and you could plug in you code online and fight other players

Yea, it would be more for turn based or non real time games. Maybe like trading items btwn friends in a one player game, or something like that.

I am thinking about idea to make turn based to something near real time…
idea is simple. lets say there are 5 players.
they have 2-3 seconds to react to situation and make a move. gameflow must be instinctic. These 2-3 characters animate. then… if servers lags… it can be easily handled, its a turn based game after all.
and from enother hand its a one step to real time engine…

:slight_smile: i loked to that what i just wrote and lought… well its a real time engine principles. just tick delay is longer then usual.

so idea is to make turn based sistem with hope that it will work near real time… if server dosent handles it… fine. no big problem. players will have more time to think for every turn. and workflow wount be ruined… (unles it will be anoing…)