Am i normal?

AHAHAHA. i just remembered that. did anybdy else watch it? you know the “its normal if you do and its normal if you dont” thing

male 1:“i lost my keys”
(reaches in pockets)

male 2:“should i help?”
(reches for his pocket)

male 1: “NO!”
ahaha. it was great. i think it deserves its own thread. so does dangerous dave but i dont feel like it


Someone had to say it :slight_smile:

hey sure shot,

your footer looks really cool=)

yeah, definitely, it looks really nice =)

Thanks very much guys :slight_smile:

with the new rules - I figured I better make a new one=)

hmm… so sureshots footer gets all the attention. sure…sure… its laways someone trying to steal my moment. yup okay.

hahaha… im kidding.

C:-) <-- smilie with a fez?

*Originally posted by fez *
**hmm… so sureshots footer gets all the attention. sure…sure… its laways someone trying to steal my moment. yup okay.

hahaha… im kidding. **

By the way, Sureshot, your new footer looks nice. :beam:

hahaha.C:-) i like that,