Amazing animation - Mark Harris

some amazing animation and the chicken xray had me laughing out loud in the office…people are looking at me strangely now

ah well :slight_smile:

:lol: pretty good, site’s horrible though :frowning:

I thought the bunny one was the funniest.

hahaha some are pretty funny!

His GF :smiley: She’s got skills too, I wonder if they battle down.


this is his gf…weird, some amazing stuff on there too :rd:

not too sure about the scripts but the animation is good :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: nice 3d work happening

darn this is hilarious

Wow I envy ppl that can do that stuff.

The animations are suburb :smiley: They got really something special!

Thnks fot the link!

lame site but great animation.

nice walking cycle.

GF has some nice skills

Really! Horrible site.