Amazing clansite

im building up a mohaabt and rs ravenshield clan at the moment and will design the site soon, but need inspiration…

does anyone know a very good clan site that does not look like the rest? i mean, almost every clansite is built after a certain pattern, like lots of links and navigation to the left and right, a big banner on the top and very much content in the middle… i dont whant it like that…

so please let me know if you know a clan who has a good site…

thnx in advance
were in the middle of switching hosts so stay tuned.
New site in the works also ;O~

hey i’m working on a clan website too (mine’s a cs clan)

i too am trying to go for something different from normal clan sites…i’m trying to create a simple page that doesn’t involve a massive navigation bar or chunky info. it doesn’t really matter because as far as i know it’s not like you have that much information to chuck in :wink:

go for the nice design i’d say
ofcourse dont make it such that it has 0% relevance to moha or ravenshield

go check out the SOTWs…you could get some ideas from there, they shld give some. careful not to copy too much, tho, come up with some original moves :slight_smile: