Americas Army

does anyone know wehre i can get a FAST dl for americas army? so far i really dont want to wait 1-3 hrs :frowning:

See if it is hosted by your IP somewhere. Dl’s directly from your IP’s are always like lightning ! At least for me …

no nothing like that :frowning: ftp at best, and that froze, it always freezes…ahh i want to play this game cause Nali said it was so good but i cant dl it :frowning:

Give me the url I whant it also :slight_smile:

And for fast download and best place get the program download acc.

I hated that game - but I think that’s because I didnt give it enough time. If a fps doesnt have me hooked in the first 30 min, I wont ever give it a second look.

It’s not that good :sure:

oh its not good?

and its not free

it cost $5.95

it was free wt ?

wtf? it was free five mins ago, not even…i donno it redirects me cause i am on a mac, wehn i get to the PC i will show you.

thank you.

but im shocket, its not free :frowning:

It is still free: There are other mirrors available, but nVidia’s is the fastest.

I detested that game also. I kept on having my training mission restarted because I couldn’t avoid running around, jumping around the intstructor, or firing the humvee.

Thats a big file 600+ mb.

Kirupa did u like the game ?

hey, is this game a plug in for some other game, or a stand alone… cause I think i just heard the words “free game”

stand alone.

blast, kirupa wanted to blast it to shreads.

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**I detested that game also. I kept on having my training mission restarted because I couldn’t avoid running around, jumping around the intstructor, or firing the humvee. **

yeah, AA is a sweet game.

what’s so good about it? what can possibly make it better than CS?

lava you play cs nice dude nice :slight_smile:

i dont think anythign will be better than CS. but i jsut want to try another game. its mroe fun to play more games.

cs? man, i hate that game sorry

you hate it because they kill u every time you join a server :crazy: