Hopefully one of you guys can help me, because this is driving me up the wall.
This is my first attempt at doing any serverside stuff, I’m using this guy’s tutorial - AS3 – AMFPHP High Score Database – ZombieFlambe
I’ve uploaded AMFPHP 1.9, I’ve created a mySQL database on my server, updated the HighScores.php file with the DB location, username, password etc, yet it just doesn’t work.
Here is the error message I get when I test the HighScores service.
message = “faultCode:AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERROR faultString:‘mysql_query(): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)’ faultDetail:‘/homepages/20/account_name/htdocs/superdrift/amfphp/services/HighScores.php on line 40’”
name = “Error”
rootCause = (null)
Any of you guys have an idea of what’s going wrong and how I can fix it?