An easy question for you!

Im trying to figure out how to change a frame when you click on a button, but when you release, it goes back to the original page. I am sure this is fairly simple, but i can’t get it going!!!

I think you can do something like this:[AS]on (press){
on (release){

k - ill give that a try, thanks

i’ve tried that, but it goes to that frame and then stays there - how would i get it to return to the original screen

your ‘button’ is probably not present in the first frame you wish to go, which means once the on(press) is activated, the function on(release) will no longer be activated…

There might be another way to do it with a HitTest…

… ?

what is the effect you want to accomplish ??
sounds to me like you want an animated button …

i did wonder about animated buttons
Not too sure if thats what i need or not - i’ve sacked the whole idea off any way and am doind a different style!!!
I’d be grateful of ideas though!