An efficient way to lip-sync audio

I’m looking for the best way to lip-sync audio with character animations. When I use flash, I see the waveform yet is squished in the timeline. Is this a matter of framerates? Might I use a video-editing application for the lip-sync work. Just wanting to speed up the workflow. Any suggestions welcome.

ok kiddo, heres what you can do. option 1, get a dope sheet and dope it out by listening to it little by little using any kind of sound editor. figure out what sounds hit on what frames, and go from there.
option 2:
extend your audio layer out so you see the total duration, scrub through the frames and listen for what sounds you hear. a general rule of thumb when your doing lip sync is to try and keep everything on 2s, focus on the vowel sounds, and remember that you dont have to have every single mouth shape in the animation, just the real key shapes. then test that bad boy.