An idea

hmm, I just had an idea, but I don’t know how to bring it about… how do you make a blob in flash? You know, like if it were a lava lamp. I’m not necessarily looking for lavalamp like behaviour, but I’m just wondering if you guys know or know any tutorials that would make a dynamically changing 2-d blob…

Lava loves blobs!! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

this one is pretty basic:

it doesn’t really have much morphing…

Hey that’s prett cool :slight_smile:

and Made by Pom:

ooh… i liked pom’s… it’s what i’m looking for

check this out:

Is there anything he can’t do?

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**check this out:

Levitated | Reactive Object | Macromedia Flash open source **

oh man, that’s so freaking sweet… isnt there a tutorial for this stuff? I think I remember seeing a tutorial out there somewhere that dealt with creating dynamic borders around circles that overlapped… but I can’t find it.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Is there anything he can’t do? **

I’ll bet he can’t build an igloo, eh Tuknuk?


lava, i have nop idea… maybe you can get sen or ilyas to work on that :-\

after all they´re our flash slaves right? :stuck_out_tongue:

you noticed the download source button at the end of the page right? maybe you can start from there…

omg nice effects everyone! specially the ReactiveObject! Dying for a tut on that!

Not sure if you can build one in AS - but if you can, he’d be able to do it :slight_smile:

as for the old fashioned way - HECK NO!, I’m the igloo king!

That sphere that responds to sound just might be the coolest flash thing I’ve seen in my entire life :). I love making noises and watching it bounce around.

we can work on this blob in our kirupa player… tha may be a goo thing… :-\

imagine a player with a blob, for an equalizer, that reacts with the sound… =)

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Lava loves blobs!! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s: **

I AM a blob…

You know what guig0… are you guys sure you want to have a realtime equalizer on the page? in order to have all that stuff it’s going to be a huge amount of bandwith you’re going to need… I wanted to do it for my radiostation site, but it was just too much…
I’m going to put a fake equalizer there…

i leave that to our flash experts :wink:

yeah, it depends on what they’re using… I don’t think they’re going to get anywhere if they use Swift-MP3…