Animation #1

I dont want feedback out of it.

This is my first Completre small Stick Death Animation.

I am now making another one alot better than this one.

I will be adding sound to it soon.

I put this in the random forum because there is lot of cool people here and faster replys.
I also have a question.

How could i embed Music files so it dont take like 2 hours to load my Animation. I think my one the one im gonna show you is very very gay.
But i just wanna shw that the second one will be better and you can tell me how much i improved.

Its to ambarssing to look at:-\

The second one will have a:A+:

well, its a little…corny? i know how hard it is though, so i give you props…

Wait till the second one is out.
It can be a little corny.
But im actually happy of this one …
Ill bve done possable tonight.

ok cool, how is C++ going?

C++ i stopped for a while…
Its hard giving up another langauge and satrting fresh all over again.
I think i should make another game or two then go to C++…
Other than that i made pretty cool Programs on C++…

Here it is.
The Animation #2
Its not the best and i dident add sound it would be alot more attractive if there was some sound and music in it…
But anyway here it is…

why/how does the sword go back and stab the guy who threw it (my guess).

Looks like something I made a long time ago just to make my friends laugh… But we are only 12! LOL! You look like you really like this stuff though… Keep making them, more, better, cooler.:cowboy: