This has happened to me 5 or 6 times the last week or so, and it’s tickling my not-so-funny bone!
I go into a thread, and press “post reply”, then I type-type-type my happy a$$ off, and press “submit”…
THEN I get a 404 error, and press “refresh page”… then I get the “thank you for posting… yaddah yaddah…” and THEN it drops me in some completely different thread!!
And the reply doesn’t show up in the actual thread I was posting in!!
Nope, me either, although I posted a poll for the battle between mdipi and I a while ago, and when I hit submit it posted it in a different thread. Kirupa said he was working on something on the forum at the same time so the problem might of been caused by that.
But that is the only time I experienced anything like what you are experiencing.
Sometimes it takes a long time for my replies to go through, but I usually hit submit again and it goes through in a second (occasionally, but very rarely double posting, you can always delete the double post though).