Annoying problem in my platform engine


Im currently making a platform engine and i have built the player with a scrolling background. The player is on the stage. I have a enemy named redsquare and the enemy is contained in the background movieclip so that when the background scrolls the enemy scrolls too.

The Problem:

The big problem is that when the player hits the redsquare i get the following error

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

here is the document class

package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.ui.*;

    public class Zebra2 extends MovieClip {

        var vx:int;
        var vy:int;
        var rightInnerBoundry:uint;
        var leftInnerBoundry:uint;
        var topInnerBoundry:uint;
        var bottomInnerBoundry:uint;
        var redsquare:Red;

        public function Zebra2() {


        public function init():void {

            vy = 0;
            vx = 0;
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, Keypress);
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, Keyup);
            stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, PlayerMove);

            rightInnerBoundry = (stage.stageWidth /2) + (stage.stageWidth /16);
            leftInnerBoundry = (stage.stageWidth /2) - (stage.stageWidth /16);
            topInnerBoundry = (stage.stageHeight /2) - (stage.stageHeight /16);
            bottomInnerBoundry = (stage.stageHeight /2) + (stage.stageHeight /16);

            redsquare = new Red();
            redsquare.x = 400;
            redsquare.y = 100;


        public function Keypress(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
            if (event.keyCode == 37) {
                vx = -5;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
                vx = 5;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
                vy = 5;

            } else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
                vy = -5;

        public function Keyup(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
            if (event.keyCode == 37  || event.keyCode == 39) {
                vx =0;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 38) {
                vy =0;
        public function PlayerMove(event:Event):void {

            var playerHalfWidth:uint = player.width / 2;
            var playerHalfHeight:uint = player.height / 2;
            var backgroundHalfWidth:uint = background.width / 2;
            var backgroundHalfHeight:uint = background.height / 2;

            if (player.x - playerHalfWidth < leftInnerBoundry) {
                player.x = leftInnerBoundry + playerHalfWidth;
                rightInnerBoundry = (stage.stageWidth /2) + (stage.stageWidth / 16);
                background.x -= vx;
            } else if (player.x + playerHalfWidth > rightInnerBoundry) {
                player.x = rightInnerBoundry - playerHalfWidth;
                leftInnerBoundry = (stage.stageWidth /2) - (stage.stageWidth / 16);
                background.x -= vx;
            if (player.y - playerHalfHeight < topInnerBoundry) {
                player.y = topInnerBoundry + playerHalfHeight;
                bottomInnerBoundry = (stage.stageHeight /2) + (stage.stageHeight / 16);

                background.y -= vy;
            } else if (player.y + playerHalfHeight > bottomInnerBoundry) {
                player.y = bottomInnerBoundry - playerHalfHeight;
                topInnerBoundry = (stage.stageHeight /2) - (stage.stageHeight/ 16);

                background.y -= vy;

            if (background.x - backgroundHalfWidth > 0) {
                background.x = 0 + backgroundHalfWidth;
                leftInnerBoundry = 0;
            } else if (background.x + backgroundHalfWidth < stage.stageWidth) {
                background.x = stage.stageWidth - backgroundHalfWidth;
                rightInnerBoundry = stage.stageWidth;

            if (background.y + backgroundHalfHeight < stage.stageHeight) {
                background.y = stage.stageHeight - backgroundHalfHeight;
                bottomInnerBoundry = stage.stageHeight;

            } else if (background.y - backgroundHalfHeight > 0) {
                background.y = 0 + backgroundHalfHeight;
                topInnerBoundry = 0;

            player.x += vx;
            player.y += vy;

        if (player.hitTestObject(redsquare)) {

