Another 1046: Error.. and i know i have to import

hello guys,

this is my first post in here, and i hope i can explain my error so that u guys can help me solve it :slight_smile:

I am sure this is a noob mistakeā€¦ but i canā€™t seem to find it out on my own :frowning:

so, i have a Projekt_test_01.fla file, that calls my classā€¦ (i know that the path to that is correct since it opens when i press the button ā€œEdit class definitionā€ in Flash)

in the main class file there is the following code:

package src

    import General.Input;
    import General.Input.*;
    import TestBed.Test;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
        // Member data
        public var m_input:Input;

and that is where it starts alreadyā€¦

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Input.
(the error is at the last line that i posted hereā€¦)

now i am sure that the imports work since i can call upon code completion and can select the General.Input classā€¦

so why am i getting this error then?? i added the General folder to the source pathā€¦ is there more to it?? what am i missing??

in the attachment you can see my project structureā€¦

i hope someone can help me thereā€¦
