I am Independent, but this year I am voting for a Republican. I could vote for Nader, but that would be throwing away a vote considering there is absolutely no chance for him to win. Basically it came between Kerry and Bush. I chose Bush between the two. The both have their flaws, but I just have a scent of New World Order coming from Kerry’s breathe. To sum it up, I hate John Kerry and would rather Bush than him any day. The truth of the matter is, I’m scared more of the people that will be appointed under Democratic rule. Sometimes people need to look at the people holding the puppet strings. Know what I mean RB? The President role will eventually end up as a figure head role with limited power. It ends up to who the person places in administrative agencies and such.
Get my drift mang? Republican but not. Sounds very odd.
Believe me sonny boy. Anyone elected as a President cannot possibly be a moron. What college did he graduate from again? Ivy league school maybe? Just because he messes up on some speaches in front of millions of people on live air doesn’t make him stupid. I couldn’t see you up on a stage talking to that many people and talking perfect. Oh wait, you’re God, I must have forgot. Remind me to bash everytime you make a spelling or grammatical error in your posts.
When was the last time Kerry had a press conference. Over a month ago. Don’t I recall him mentioning he will make at least one per month. I could be wrong. You are taking on what the media and hollywood spoofs are telling you. Go find your own facts. You don’t need a fat white man telling you how the world turns.
So…who all in here is part of a secret society (real/fake doesn’t matter)? I wish I could be part of some secret society, if anything, just to have nuts make up crazy, heroic stories about me on the internet
The secret cult society in the Test forum doesn’t count btw!